Imagine finding a way to save money every month. The money you can now spend on other necessities. That’s everyone’s dream, right? One way to do that is by doing a roof replacement.

A roof replacement can be a major investment, but it can pay off in the long run by lowering your energy bills. It can keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, leading to significant savings on your energy costs.

We’ll guide you in choosing the right type of roof so you can get the best possible insulation for your home.


Your Roof Is the Largest Piece of the Energy Puzzle

Your roof is one of the essential parts of your home regarding energy efficiency. In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration,  half of the energy consumed in residences is for heating and air conditioning.

If your roof is old or in disrepair, it may not be doing its job properly. That means heat and air conditioning are escaping from your home, making your HVAC system work harder and driving up your energy bills.

The Top Roof Considerations for Saving Energy Costs

When it comes to your home, you want to do everything to make it as energy-efficient as possible. A well-insulated and well-sealed roof can help keep your energy costs down.

Proper Roof Ventilation

Your roof needs to breathe to protect your home from moisture damage and prevent mold growth.

Proper roof ventilation helps to:


Material Color and Reflection

You can also look for a reflective roof. They’re becoming more popular to save energy and lower cooling costs.  according to the U.S. Department of Energy, they can reduce your cooling costs by up to 20%

Type of Roofing Material

Pitch of the Roof

A steeper pitched roof will:

A steeper pitched roof is good for energy efficiency if you live in a hot climate. A shallower pitched roof is a better choice if you live in a cold environment.

Save Money by Choosing the Best Roof for Your Home

When it comes to your home, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Roofers Elite offers a wide range of residential roofing services and various styles and colors to choose from.

We understand that every home is different, and we are here to help you lower your energy bills and get the right roof for your home. Our roofing services use the latest technology and materials to ensure that your new roof will be durable and energy-efficient.